Government keeps getting bigger as safeguards and watchdogs are put in place to regulate and to protect us, not only from ourselves, but from the mis-management and fraudulent practices of a few banks and other big businesses. A sad state of affairs, but we have to remind ourselves that it was a culture of greed and power within those businesses that brought us to this point, not a collective of socialist-leaning politicians.~~~
Anybody tried to purchase a rain barrel? It is absolutely ridiculous what is being charged at the few outlets that actually sell them. Then you have wonder if your city and/or subdivision codes will allow you to use it. Think green, indeed. I certainly would like to save some of that water running off my roof for a non-rainy day.~~~
Out of sight, out of mind? Without Phill Kline at the helm of the local county attorney's office, clamoring for headlines and self-serving attention at his numerous press conferences, that office had vanished from mind. I recently ran across a Kansas City Star article about Steve Howe's humble, business-like approach to running that important Johnson County office. See - there is good news in the Star. Want to read the article for yourself? At this writing it is still available on-line at http://www.kansascity.com/news/local/story/1252049.html~~~
Finally - Johnson County Parks & Rec came to a much-delayed decision on "Bambi-gate." The deer herd at Shawnee Mission Park desperately needs to be thinned for its own good. Closing the park for short periods to allow skilled officials to carefully select and eliminate a large percentage of the herd is the thing to do. Let's hope they give the meat to shelters and other agencies that can make good use of it.~~~
I have a difficult time feeling sorry for people in the new subdivisions on the outer fringes of the area who are complaining to their respesctive cities about annoying rattlesnakes, the coyotes who scare or even kill their little fru-fru doggies, or the deer eating their new trees. A year ago that land belonged to them, remember. You are the encroacher.